Fluids: Key to Hormone Balance and a Healthy Body

Did you know that your fluid intake impacts your hormone balance? How much you drink and the types of liquids which you consume affect your hormones, health, mood and general wellness. Dehydration and retaining fluids can make you uncomfortable and has negative impacts on your health. Let’s take a look at how fluids impact hormonal balance and your overall health.

How fluids impact your body

The human body is comprised of approximately 70% water. Our brains contain even more water than most other parts of our bodies. Every single function of the human body depends upon water. All of our cells are suspended in a fluid which made up mainly of water. A precise balance of fluid must be maintained within each cell.

Water is necessary for the breakdown of nutrients and the transportation of those nutrients into each cell of the body. Adequate hydration is required for the removal of wastes. Water serves as a moisturizing and lubricating agent. Water is needed for hormone production. Proper hydration is necessary to protect the body.

Fluids and your hormones

Adequate hydration is necessary for the production and circulation of hormones. Mild dehydration causes headaches, irritability, and impaired thinking. Hormone levels are always in flux. They need to be kept in balance with what is going on with the rest of your body and with other hormones. Fluids help this to happen. Hormones, such as estrogens, can become harmful in specific forms and when out of balance. Excess hormones need to be deactivated by the liver and excreted via the intestinal and urinary tracts. Proper fluid balance is required so that the hormones can be appropriately eliminated.

Hormone disruptions which occur as a result of fluid imbalance cause many symptoms. Headaches, fertility problems, bloating, PMS, mood swings, and changes in the sex drive may occur.

A disruption of regular fluid balance causes an increase in the release of stress and pro-inflammatory hormones. A cycle of further disruption throughout the body and the creation of a vast array of illnesses may arise. The aging process acceleratess.

Fluids maintain safety within the body. Healthy tissues protect the body from the harm of environmental toxins. Having too little fluid can lead to dehydration. Tissues become fragile and susceptible to injury. Toxins concentrate and cause hormone disruption and other bodily harm.

Drink plenty of liquid

Most people don’t drink enough fluids. Ideally, we should each be aware enough of our bodies to perceive thirst readily. However, most of us are very busy and are not that well-tuned to the signals that our bodies provide. Therefore, most people should attempt to consume an adequate amount of fluids each day consciously. Drink an amount of liquid each day measured in ounces which is equal to one half of your body weight measured in pounds. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 ounces of fluid daily. Increase this amount in severe weather such as when there is a lot of humidity, excess heat, severe cold, or wind. Drink more if you are exercising vigorously. If you have health issues such as heart or kidney problems, check with your healthcare providing for specific recommendations regarding your daily fluid intake goal.

What are the best fluids to drink?

The best fluid to drink is water. You can also get water from fruits and vegetables. Healthy beverage.options include herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, bone broths, and green drinks. Water should be your primary beverage. The others are used to supplement your diet and provide you with a wide array of flavors. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeinated drinks and alcohol. Don’t drink soda or beverages that contain artificial flavorings and sweeteners.

Water is the best drink for you

Natural spring water is the healthiest beverage to drink. Don’t drink distilled water as its healthy minerals are removed during the distillation process. It isn’t necessary to drink bottled water unless your water isn’t tasty or it comes from a source that is heavily treated with chemicals. Don’t drink water from plastic containers on a regular basis as plastic contains hormone disruptors. Inexpensive portable filtration containers and in-line filtration systems for water are excellent to use.

Eat water!

Nope , I am not talking about crunching on ice cubes even though they are a source of water. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain water that is exceptionally usable by your cells. Fruits and vegetables contain electrolytes and nutrients which help to balance fluid levels. Water from fruits and vegetables doesn’t just flush through your system since it is in a perfectly balanced form. All fruits and veggies contain water. Ones that are naturally juicy , such as cucumbers, watermelon, lettuces, and berries are outstanding. Juicy fruits and vegetables can help with weight management too.

Herb teas are delicious and healthy

Herb teas may be consumed for pleasure. Several herbal teas aid hormone balance. They may be used to relieve symptoms of PMS too. Peppermint, ginger, and chamomile teas are delicious and soothing for the mind and the stomach.

Enjoy freshly squeezed juices

Drink freshly squeezed juice in limited amounts. Generally speaking, it is better to consume whole organic fruits and vegetables rather than juices. However correctly prepared fresh juices can be used for specific healing purposes and to provide concentrated nutrients. Juices are best made fresh as their nutrient value rapidly declines once they are pressed.

If you choose to consume commercial juices, read product labels carefully. Many drinks contain very small amounts of natural juices. Artificial coloring preservatives and sugar are often added to commercial juice products. Healing components, such as fiber, are frequently removed from commercial juices. Fiber provides your body with many benefits. It helps to detoxify your body which promotes a healthy balance of hormones. Drink juices that retain their natural pulp or fiber.

Dairy can cause hormonal imbalances

Dairy products can be hormone disruptors mainly when they are sourced from animals that have been given artificial hormones. If you choose to drink milk, only consume organic milk that does not have synthetic hormones added. Be aware that most jurisdictions do not require labeling to reflect whether artificial hormones have been used in the animals. Some experts recommend raw milk over pasteurized. Several nondairy alternatives are available. Read those product labels carefully as well. The nutrient profile is often inferior to that of milk.

Bone broths are nutritious and filling

They provide electrolytes and nutrients which fuel and soothe the body. Bone broths are particularly helpful for enhancing immune and nervous system function. They can promote a healthy weight. Try our ultimate Gut Healing Bone Broth recipe.

Pack nutrients in with smoothies

Green smoothies are excellent meal substitutes. They can be tailored to meet individual needs. Smoothies contain nutrients that aid cleansing of the body. Excess hormones are eliminated and detoxified when greens are consumed. Try this “No Bloat Smoothie” recipe packed with nutrient and also aid with detox process.

bird.com/no-bloat-smoothie-recipe/oothie-recipeAs you can see, there are more than one way to get enough fluid in your body. Get in the habit to include few of the above suggestions as it is key to Hormone Balance and a Healthy Body.