Did you know that progesterone levels are crucial for the proper implantation of the egg in the endometrium, or uterine lining? For those struggling with infertility, this is an important fact.

Hormonal balance is critical when it comes to getting pregnant and staying pregnant. The fast-paced we world we live in, puts a lot of demand on the body and that demand creates a lot of stress. The demands of life also mean we may not be eating as healthily as we should and we are increasingly exposed to more and more human-made chemicals and toxins every day, which puts continued stress on the human body.

Before taking progesterone cream, it’s best to have your level of progesterone tested, so you know where you stand. There are at-home saliva hormone tests available and your doctor can test you as well. For those suffering from infertility, hormone deficiency or imbalance needs to be properly tested before applying any type of cure.

Many times hormonal imbalances are a reflection of lifestyle choices over a long time frame, perhaps even years.  Fertility problems can often be related to hormonal imbalances. In order to restore your body’s natural hormonal levels and bring it back to its natural fertile state, you must change how you take care of yourself and your body.

It can be difficult to get pregnant for some, and even more difficult to maintain a healthy pregnancy. More and more women are having problems conceiving, and as a result, more and more women are required to become familiar with the complex issues of infertility.

According to John R. Lee M.D. and Virginia Hopkins, there are some simple solutions you can try at home to get pregnant and stay pregnant. One of these ways is by using natural  progesterone cream.

The word progesterone got its name because of its critical role in the support of gestation and its role in the reproductive process.

Modern science also confirms that insight, because progesterone is essential for conception and the survival of the fertilized egg throughout the gestation process.

At the onset of ovulation, a woman’s progesterone levels rapidly rise from around 2-3 mg a day to an average of 22-25 mg. per day. Levels can peak as high as 30 mg. per day.

If fertilization fails to occur in ten or twelve days following ovulation, the progesterone levels fall quite rapidly, triggering the shedding of the secretory endometrium or the menstrual cycle.

If pregnancy does occur, the production of progesterone is then taken over by the placenta, which secretes a continuing supply, reaching around 300-400 mg. per day during the third trimester!

There are many desirable effects of Natural Progesterone cream.

Natural Progesterone cream:

  • Supports the survival of the fertilized egg.
  • Helps maintain the secretory endometrium, which feeds the ovum & resultant embryo.
  • Maintains the uterine lining and prevents excess tissue buildup.
  • Promotes normal sleep patterns.
  • Stimulates bone production.
  • Improves the action of thyroid hormones.
  • Boosts the metabolism.
  • Acts as a natural diuretic.
  • Reduces anxiety and depression.
  • Helps support a healthy libido.

Progesterone is essential when it comes to preventing miscarriage as well because a significant drop in progesterone levels during the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy will likely result in a miscarriage.

According to Dr. Katherine Dalton, women who use a properly formulated progesterone cream during the first 19-20 weeks of pregnancy produce healthier, more intelligent children.

How to Use Progesterone Cream

The reason that progesterone cream is a better solution than conventional injectable progesterone or vaginal progesterone is that 90% of bioavailable progesterone is carried by red blood cells, and not in the blood serum. It is much more effective to supplement with transdermal natural progesterone which is then absorbed through the skin.

A typical dose of progesterone cream is around 30-40 mg per day, and more if needed. This dose can be applied at bedtime and in the morning.

Many women apply the cream incorrectly, so it’s important to know the best way to use it. According to the natural fertility info website, the ideal areas for application are areas such as:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Upper Chest
  • Breasts
  • Inner Arms
  • Palms of Hands and Feet

You should try and avoid putting cream on the fattest areas of the body, because this may prohibit natural absorption. Fat tends to store progesterone, as opposed to allowing it to move into the bloodstream where it can circulate around the body. Rotating where you apply the cream every time you use it can also be helpful.

Side Effects

When you first re-introduce progesterone back into the body after an extended period of deficiency, the estrogen receptor sites ‘wake up’ per se and are stimulated, enhancing the action of estrogen for a short period of time. This is a sign that your body is responding properly even though you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Breast tenderness
  • Nausea
  • Spotting
  • Fluid retention

These symptoms are common and they will go away over the next few cycles as your progesterone levels increase. Things like stress increase cortisol levels and cortisone competes for progesterone receptors. If you are experiencing a lot of stress, then the progesterone cream may not be as effective, so it’s important to find ways to better manage stress.

If you have a severe progesterone deficiency then it may take a little more time to naturally increase the levels with progesterone cream supplementation.

If you decide to stop taking the cream, you should wean off of it slowly and over time.

Who Should Avoid Progesterone Supplementation

There are certain health conditions where natural progesterone cream supplementation should be avoided. Those with a history of gestational pemphigoid (dermatosis of pregnancy), jaundice of pregnancy, severe active liver disease, hepatitis, rotor syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, or unexplained/abnormal vaginal bleeding should not use natural progesterone cream.

Progesterone cream can either be made with synthetic progesterone or naturally produced progesterone. Progesterone cream is highly-fat soluble and very well absorbed by the skin.

Natural progesterone cream refers to bioidentical hormone products that have a molecular structure identical to the hormones our bodies produce naturally.

While there are many factors that may contribute to infertility, progesterone cream can help women naturally balance their hormonal levels so they can conceive naturally. Progesterone cream can also be very useful for preventing miscarriage.

Progesterone is absolutely essential for those looking to establish and sustain a healthy pregnancy because it ensures a healthy environment in the womb by maintaining the uterine lining. Low levels of progesterone ?during pregnancy may also be one cause of recurrent miscarriages. ?Progesterone also? reduces the chances of blood clots as well as the immune system responding to the fetus as if it were a foreign substance.  ??

Apart from applying natural progesterone cream, it is also important to supplement with natural herbs such as chaste berry, multivitamin especially vitamin B6 & B12 & folic acid . Moreover, you should also reduce contact and exposure with xenohormones producers.

All in all, supplementing with natural progesterone is a smart choice for those looking to boost their fertility naturally.