Benefits of Maca for Women
As a superfood, Maca has many benefits including help boost energy, endurance and stamina. It replenishes iron and helps restore red blood cells, which aids anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Maca also promote healthy bones & teeth as well as some people find maca helps clear skin blemishes and balanced oily skin types.
Below are benefits directly related to women hormonal health and balance.
Maca is an ‘adaptogen’: a natural food that helps us deal with the effects of stress. Our body needs additional key vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids especially during the heightened levels of stress than what our body can naturally produced and Maca provides those. By consuming Maca regularly, it can help to promote a state of balance (also called homeostasis) during stressful times that often resulting in hormonal rollercoaster followed by it’s many unwanted symptoms
Maca has been traditionally used in menopausal women as a natural form of hormone replacement therapy. Although the exact effect of Maca hasn’t been clinically proven, the use of Maca has persisted for hundreds of years in Peru.
The high nutrient in Maca has also been traditionally used for helping relieve menstrual symptoms in particular mood swings, cramps etc associated with PMS.
So here are 5 of our favorite Maca recipes so you can incorporate Maca into your diet easily. Click on the title for link to the actual recipes.
1. Maca Truffles by Mary Vance
These healthy little truffle snacks are great for that 3pm sugar cravings. It’s easy to make with only few ingredients, NO BAKING necessary. Give it a try ladies
2. Matcha Maca smoothie with Cacao
This is an ultimate go to comfort drinks that is good for that time of the month when you are experiencing PMS symptoms.
3. Maca energy bars by my wholefood life
Only goodness in this energy bars recipe. It’s vegan, grain & gluten free.
These sweet and spiced muffins are moist and hearty, and give a delicious jump-start to your day.